Homecoming Court: Emily Lin
September 23, 2022
When Emily Lin heard that she had been selected to be the Junior class representative for Homecoming she was very excited, yet also a bit nervous. Even though Emily is nervous about representing all of the members of her class, she is a perfect pick for this position.
Emily is a 17 year old Junior here at Heritage. She will most likely be at the top of her class. Her favorite thing about Heritage is how there are so many ways to get involved. For example, Emily is a member of SGA, Skills USA, Mock Trial, Band, and the Mental Health Group. Emily loves being a member of the Band because of all of the people she spends her time with. She met some of her good friends like Waverli Brown and Maggie Chen while in the band. Outside of school, Emily likes going to restaurants with her friends and spending time with her family. After high school, Emily plans to study math at a university.

Emily chose Mrs. Hayen as her escort for homecoming night because she’s funny, and has always been there for Emily. Emily says, “Mrs. Hayen always helps me through situations most other teachers wouldn’t.” Emily plans to give her cart purple curtains with greenery and white flowers.
On Friday, September 23, Emily Lin will represent her class as the homecoming representative for the class of 2024. She is nervous to be representing everyone in her class, but confident that she is the right person for the job.