Fallin’ Into Vacation
Pictured: Tanner Hall, Edited by Miles Clark
October 20, 2022
What did you do during your Fall Break? Even if you didn’t do anything special or go anywhere cool, Fall Break was a much needed week to kick your feet up and relax. Here’s what Fall Freak looked like for a couple of students at HHS.

Heritage High School Sophomore Quentin Hoffman spent most of his time sleeping in, and going out to eat with his friends. Quentin’s favorite part of his break was when he, his older brother Gavin, and Junior Charles Williams went and hung out at Lookout Mountain one night.

Also during the break, Junior Emma Williams spent a lot of time working her job at Farm to Fork. When she wasn’t tied up with work, Emma spent her remaining time with her Boyfriend, and with her friends.

This past Wednesday in the middle of his time off from school, Junior Spencer Greene underwent serious surgery on his shoulder. He recently tore his labrum and needed it to be repaired, so on October 12, 2022, Spencer’s fall break was interrupted by the surgery. Spencer is currently at home recovering.
One of Spencer’s friends, Junior football player Tanner Hall, got to spend some much needed time with family. Tanner said, “ I hadn’t gotten the chance to hang out with my mom and little brother this much since summer”. Tanner’s favorite thing he did during the break was when he and his family took a trip to the Center Post Pumpkin Patch.

With the time Senior Ben Lokey had during the break, he spent a lot of time sitting in his brand new recliner chair. “Whether it be watching football, playing video games, or hanging out with friends, I was in the chair.”
Last but not least, Junior Caroline Hamilton laid low for most of her Fall Break. She got to spend a lot of time with her family. Caroline’s favorite part of fall break was when she and a couple of her friends went to the Haunted Hilltop in Ooltewah.
As you can see, Fall Break gave students the opportunity to enjoy their time by doing what they wanted to. Now that we’ve had our break, let’s make the most of our time here until Thanksgiving Break!