“Little Women,” Big Dreams
April 27, 2023
During the spring semester, Heritage High School Musical Theatre performed “Little Women.” This musical follows the lives of the March sisters (Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy) as they grow up and find their way into society during the Civil War. “Little Women” is a timeless classic novel about love, maturity, self-sacrifice, determination, and sisterhood. Our musical theater program truly brought this inspirational story to life.

The cast and crew wasted no time to begin rehearsal. Starting in December, the cast started off strong, learning their lines and lyrics as well as forming camaraderie and relationships. Entering January and February, sets started to be built, costumes fitted, and choreography was perfected. Before the cast and crew knew it, show week had arrived. Everyone was super excited to show their friends and families what they had been working on all semester. Across the board, each show of “Little Women” was as astonishing as the last. From the school shows to the matinees, the cast and crew gave it their all onstage and backstage. Ms. Grayson Parker, the HHS musical director, states, “Show week is always crazy, but for this show, we felt very prepared. In fact, we were able to start running this show faster than any show we have done before, so show week was really a fun and positive week. We were able to truly enjoy the magic we were making happen on stage.” Closing night came way too quickly, and it’s safe to say it was a very emotional night for everyone apart of the journey. Tears were shed and laughs were shared amongst castmates as they said goodbye to a beautiful show.

All the hard work that went into “Little Women” soon paid off as the Shuler nominees were announced. Heritage’s “Little Women” was nominated for three Shuler nominations! Heritage’s incredible orchestra, lead by Scott Willis, was nominated, along with our costume team, lead by Mrs. Peters and Ashley Bone, and lastly Julia Petteys, who played Marmee March, was nominated for featured performer. When asked about the day of nominations, Julia explains, “I felt good about everything we had put on stage, but 75 schools is a lot to compare to. I definitely did not have my hopes up. I wasn’t even looking at the screen, then suddenly everyone was screaming and jumping up and down for me. It felt so great to have all my friends be so happy for me and to have all my hard work pay off”. Overall, “Little Women” was an inspirational musical that our cast and crew will remember forever.