Lorelai Canady, Heritage Sophomore is galvanized to be picked as sophomore Homecoming candidate. Lorelai is known for her kindness and has a good reputation with the teachers and students. She described how it felt to be picked as a candidate and the feelings she was feeling as she was picked. Lorelai is a committed and passionate student who likes to do anything that can help others and make them feel appreciated. The excitement and happiness she had being picked can’t be described. The feelings were indescribable. She shared her sincere thanks to the people that voted for her. She has her roots grounded in Heritage, attending middle school and now being in high school. Her past experience, of being a part of the journalism class, proves her desire to seek what is best for the school.

Her daily routine consists of her as everyone else, waking up going to school, and usually eating breakfast. One activity which has become a staple of her daily routine is going to see her favorite teacher for tutoring, Mrs. Wolfe. As her routine, her activities she pursues inside school and outside the establishment and class vary. She is not only a cheerleader, additionally involves herself in KEY club Partners club and FCA. All these clubs and activities allow her to be able to be the best she can and with this, she is able to show support to other people by lifting them up. Lorelai is extremely excited for homecoming and thanks all the people who voted for her.