The 5 Star Dance team recently placed 1st at the Georgia High School Association State Competition in hip hop and runner-up overall at State. 5 Star alumni Hailey Thompson made a comeback to help coach the 5 Star dancers to victory at State. However, this is not the first time the Dance team has won any awards this season.
Kylee Holman, a junior, told us that out of five competitions, the 5 Stars have won all but one. The only competition that the 5 Star Dance team has not come in first in was the very first competition of the season, the War Eagle Warm-Up, where they placed second.
“Considering this is the first time that the team has done hip hop in a while for competition, we did really good,” said Kendall Davis, a freshman.
Although the 5 Star Dance team has done an outstanding job at the competitions, they have also had an amazing season overall.
“The 5 Stars have done an amazing job of representing their team and their school this season at the football games, pep rallies, basketball games, several community events, and at competitions,” said Coach Chappelear.

During this season, the Dance team has had many opportunities to spend time together and bond, like on their trip to Macon, where they made some of their most memorable moments. They also competed in a lip sync battle at dance camp this season. The Dance team has also had to work together to overcome challenges, like when a teammate would be sick, or injured, and the team would have to readjust.
While the season is mostly over, we are still looking forward to the dance team’s showcase, where everyone will have the opportunity to see just how talented the 5Star Dancers are.