The Heritage Highschool’s Girls’ Tennis team completed the season with 9 matches overall. This determined group of girls started off with a bumpy start to the tennis season, being defeated in their first three matches. The first match of the season was against Coahulla Creek, but unfortunately they defeated Heritage with a score of 0-5. Only a day later, the girls suffered a loss to Dalton (0-5). The next team to go against the girls was Ringgold. They ended up losing 0-5 to Ringgold. After three losses the girls set their minds straight and had intentions to win. “The team kept pulling through even though there were some hard times during this season,” said sophomore Tia Eaves. Their next match was set against Gordon Lee. This was their first win of the season. Individually, the wins came from #1 singles juniors Ella Blansit and Rachel Brown. The doubles consisting of Eaves and freshman Cam Carter, and doubles sophomore Madison Thurman and freshman Kayli Marte also won. “The team worked really well together this year. We were better at learning from each other and trying to improve as a team,” explained sophomore Kate Brown. They ended the match with an overall score of 4-1. Going forward, every girl managed to win the match against South East, with a score 6-0. However, the girls soon suffered a hard loss to Cedartown (1-4). The girls shortly bounced back to their feet and won the match against Northwest Whitfield, scoring 3-2, but the win was short-lived after Sonoraville beat the girls 0-5. The girls make it to tournament, but were eliminated with a 2-3 loss. The girls had a little bumpy season, but through their loses and victories grew as players.
All Eyes on the Ball: Girls’ Tennis Season Wrap-Up
The Girls’ Tennis team wrapped up the season with a record of 3-9.
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About the Contributor
Addie Kate Stafford, Copy Editor
Addie Kate Stafford is a 17-year-old junior at Heritage High School. She is returning for a third year in Journalism. She takes part in the Heritage Football Management team; she helps with all practices and games. She is part of Beta Club, Hosa, and Partners Club. She also takes a variety of honors and AP classes. She strives to maintain an ongoing streak of Straight A’s in all of her classes. In her time at Heritage, she has made many valuable friendships and connections, especially on the girls managing team. In her free time she loves to listen to music, read books, or spend time with the people she loves. On top of that, she loves to travel, and experience many new places. She has traveled to many unique places such as Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc. She plans on graduating from Emory University with a Doctorate in Child Psychiatry. She incorporates a tremendous amount of hard work in school to be able to achieve her dreams.