Nestled in the rolling hills, and rooted in a dream, Heritage High School is truly the place to be. It’s a new year, and there is a new principal at HHS. New principal Matt Phillips is stepping up to this crucial leadership role. Being Principal at Heritage is a position that comes with lots of responsibility: it takes a lot of qualities to fit such an important role. Principal Phillips is proving himself every day, making relationships with students and staff, and guiding the school to excellence. You may have seen him around the school, but do you know him? Phillips’s story and motivation will surely bring Heritage into a new era of excellence.
A country boy at heart, Principal Phillips graduated from Murray County High School in Chatsworth Georgia. “I squeezed all the juice I could’ve out of high school,” said Phillips. He was involved in football, basketball, FBLA, Beta Club, honors societies, student council, and student devotionals. After high school he went on to work towards a four year degree in Biblical Studies and a minor in Psychology.

After getting a job at a middle school, he realized education was something he was passionate about. He’s been an educator for 21 years; prior to his new role at Heritage, he spent a year as the principal at Dalton Junior High School. “Since the junior high school was only 8th and 9th grade, as soon as I made a relationship with them, they went on to the high school,” he explained. “It’s nice being with the same kids for four years and seeing them grow up. It will be rewarding to see students’ achievements and how they overcome challenges throughout their years in high school.”
Phillips is married to his wife of 15 years, Stacie, and has two kids, Lillie and Jud. When he’s not working, he loves spending time with his family, watching Georgia Bulldogs college football, and playing table tennis with his friends.
“With Lilliehaving many special needs and Jud being a normal energy-filled little boy, I’ve really gotten to see through both lenses,” said Principal Phillips. It’s important for a good principal to understand that challenging yourself looks different to everyone. Seeing things from two perspectives can broaden understanding and foster empathy. It allows you to see the strengths and weaknesses of different viewpoints, leading to more informed decisions. Principal Phillips is a prime example of seeing things from both sides. This dual perspective can also enhance problem-solving skills by providing multiple solutions. Additionally, it encourages open-mindedness and reduces biases.
“When I come to students and they tell me that they have no friends, one of the first things I’m asking is ‘are you plugged in?’” Phillips explained. “It’s important not to float through high school; no matter who the student is, there is something for them to get involved in.” Being actively engaged in high school cultivates essential life skills and fosters a sense of community and belonging. It provides valuable opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and networking that can be pivotal for future success. “Right now there’s nothing I want to change about this school,” he said. “Being my first year, I haven’t seen everything play out yet. I do know that Heritage is a great place and everyone here has the right mindset. All I’m thinking right now is how we can make it better.”
The appointment of the new principal, Matt Phillips, marks an exciting new chapter for the high school. With a fresh vision and a commitment to excellence, the new leadership promises to enhance the educational experience for all students. The community eagerly anticipates the growth that will come under this new guidance. Together, they look forward to a bright and successful future at Heritage High School.