November 20, 2015
Starting the first day of actual basketball games with no losses on November 17, Heritage is looking to have quite a successful basketball program this year. The boys’ junior varsity, girls’ varsity, and boys’ varsity all played with comfortable wins against the LFO Warriors. Ever since Heritage opened, Lakeview has been a big rival, but the Generals did not disappoint.
The JV boys started the play for the day with the game being close for a long period of time. It went back and forth and combinations of players on the floor flowed consistently throughout the game. Soon, the boys pulled away to take the first victory of the night.
Keeping up with the trend of the previous game, the varsity girls played a tight and low scoring first quarter, but that all changed when they came back onto the court after halftime. The Lady Generals pulled away quickly, and LFO never had the chance to catch back up, giving them seven straight wins against the Lady Warriors.
The night was capped off with the boys’ varsity game. Unlike the first two games, Heritage came out running. They quickly put their face paced yet patient when necessary offense, which earned them a very fast lead. By the end of the first period, it was apparent that the boys had the game under control as long as they stayed focused.
In the end, Heritage finished strong in all of their games. They showcased the vast amount of potential in all of the teams, and they proved that they are forces to be reckoned with.