Kaitlyn Lee, Staff Writer

On March 2, 2016 the guidance counselors held a meeting in the theater for the Move On When Ready or dual enrollment program. Casey Bridgeman, a coordinator from Dalton State, came to talk about the process at Dalton, and Mrs. Angie, one of our counselors, talked about the Georgia Northwestern Technical College information. The dual enrollment program allows high school students to go ahead and get some of their college classes out of the way. If you do dual enrollment you get credits that count for both high school and college. You can take classes this summer or next fall as long as you can provide your own means of transportation. Registration for summer classes at GNCT is happening right now, and it’s totally free. The summer registration deadline is March 29. Both Dalton State and GNTC have certain requirements, each school needs an ACT or SAT score from you. GNCT will also accept an asset score test. Next Monday, March 7 at 9 a.m. GA northwestern is coming to Heritage to give a qualifying test. If you are unable to attend this test it’s okay because these tests are offered a few times each month. The next ACT is on April 9 and the deadline to sign up is March 4. Dalton state requires students in this program to make at least a 450 on reading and a 500 on math on the SAT and at least a 19 on English and a 21 on math on the ACT. They also require a 3.0 or higher GPA in core classes. The Dalton state qualifying tests cost $65 and if you fail, don’t worry the score won’t go on your permanent record. If you are planning on attending Dalton State you will need to fill out an online application, but you are not required to pay the $30 application fee. You must also attend orientation night, which is where you will learn more about the campus and find out where your classes are. Dual enrollment students at Dalton state are allowed to participate in clubs and extracurricular activities. You can choose either total dual enrollment which is where you take all your core classes at one of the colleges or you can just do part-time dual enrollment, where you take a few at college and a few here at Heritage. However you can have no more than 19 hours of dual enrollment classes a week.