Clay Mount, Staff Writer

Prom has been all the buzz around the Taj recently. Students have been scurrying around to discover and finalize their looks for April 23, 2016:  The Big Night. Finding such perfect and prim looks is not without stress.  However will you relieve this welting stress building up inside like a hot country Tuesday? Attend the Earth Day Fair on April 22, 2016, the day before prom! This event is a great way to get informed, educated, and involved with the surrounding ecosystem. “If we keep using the earth’s resources at such a rapid rate, then it won’t last so long” said Mrs. Hayen, a science teacher of Heritage High School. The event isn’t just a big boring learning session, rather, it is a legitimate fair as one might guess by the event’s title. There will be a petting zoo and face painting for the kids, and there will be informational booths on how to decrease utility bills and get free trees for adults. The event is entirely student-led by the Science Club, and some students will sing in a concert for everyone’s enjoyment. “All people have to do is show up,” stated Mrs. Hayen. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and ends at 8:00 p.m. and will take place on the band practice field at HHS. In the event of rain, it will take place in the cafeteria. If you go to all the booths, you can enter in a raffle to win prizes!  This fair is honestly a great way to loosen up before one of the biggest nights ever, and you get to learn about the environment! Sounds like an win-win to me!  Mrs. Hayen would also like to remind everyone, “The collective small changes to the ecosystem make a big difference.”