May 5, 2016
So, as we are swiftly nearing towards the end of this school year we are starting to prepare for graduation. It is now the time to recognize those students who went above and beyond what the average high school student does to graduate. The students who worked their hardest through their high school career, who deserve to be acknowledged; the best of the best of Heritage High School. On Monday, May 2 the Heritage High School Class of 2016 Graduates with Highest Honors list has been announced. To obtain the title of a “Highest Honor Graduate,” a student must have taken at least six honors or advanced placement classes and have kept a cumulative grade of an average of a 90 or higher in their HOPE core classes. The recipients of this title are awarded with a golden tassel designed on their caps. They are also seated first at graduation and they also receive their diplomas first. There are a total of 95 super smart seniors who made it on this prestigious list, including Valedictorian Michelle Lin, and Salutatorian Logan Bennett. If you are a senior and you take a look at the list and you feel as though your name should be on the list then you should contact your guidance counselor and make sure you were not looked over. More than likely most of the students on this list will go on to do great things, or at least they are expected to, obviously. Congratulations to all the selected seniors!