September 8, 2016
To Read or NOT to Read …
By Celena Smith
I hate reading! Reading is just annoying to me. When I sit down and read you know it has to be a good book. The reason I hate reading is because I get bored and tired. I also can’t stand staring at pages for hours at a time. I look at words and they just get blurry and our eyes start itching; getting red; watering; and burning. When I read my brain goes blank and the words just slip right through like they were nothing and unimportant. Reading is one of the most dreadful things ever in the history of living I feel like. I hate reading so much that I haven’t even finished Joshua’s Law which I have to complete thirty hours in order to get my license in the state of Georgia. I personally believe that having to finish it is stupid but I understand why. When I try and read my head starts hurting, I also get really tired without even picking up a book. Books feel like a waste of time to me and there aren’t enough good books in the word for a person like me to read. I hate reading with a burning passion and it just gets under my skin when I have to read for a class. Students shouldn’t have to read if they do not choose to. Students should have the choice to read because some of us are not that great at reading. Also reading out loud is an anxiety attack waiting to happen for the kids that have social anxiety. Some kids do not even have to have social anxiety for them to feel uncomfortable for them to read out loud. I don’t really have a speech impediment but I stutter when I read out loud because I hate people judging me. I even wonder if students even learn by reading out loud or reading period. I believe students learn better by having teachers give them power points or by writing things down I learn from working with my fellow classmate, and having my own stuff to work on like work sheets. When I have to read I dread it. Teachers I have talked to want kids to have fun while reading but i feel like it’s a chore and most teachers have to harp on students about reading. In saying this some books aren’t that bad, it is I HATE reading with a burning passion.