November 11, 2016
In July of 2015, controversy began when Meek Mill accused Drake of hiring ghostwriters in a rant on Twitter. For those of you that don’t know what a ghostwriter is, it’s a person who writes a book, script, story, report, or other text that is credited to another person. Drake took the accusation in good spirits saying “I signed up for greatness. This comes with it.” Well, in early September of this year, Kid Cudi began firing the same allegations at Drake, but this time he didn’t take it so well. Cudi began by ranting on Twitter saying “Everyone thinks they’re soooo great. Talkin top 5 and having 30 people write songs for them.” Cudi also made the statement that he felt like he was finally taking over in popularity, but Drake doesn’t feel the same. In the month of October, Cudi posted a long, meaningful message to his friends, family, and fans on Facebook, saying that he had been dealing with some mental health problems and checked himself into rehab. It appeared that Drake found that the perfect opportunity to fire back. Drake then released “Two Birds One Stone” later in the month. The song was specifically targeting Cudi and his courageous confession. While the song altogether was childish, and in my opinion pathetic, the part that got both Cudi and Drake fans more upset than the rest is when Drake begins saying “You were the man on the moon/Now you just go through your phases/Life of the angry and famous/Rap like I know I’m the greatest.” For one, Drake is not the greatest. I could care less for his rapping skills, but it’s also a matter of the fact that he is willing to make such a cheap shot just so he can feel superior over Cudi. They are both entertainers, and while that can be a competitive business, there is no need to want to stoop so low that they target another’s mental problems. Drake only had to go that far to attempt to put Cudi in his place, when in reality, Drake’s insecurities make him seem like nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get his way. If you think about it, Drake’s overreaction makes a lot of sense considering he has used ghostwriters.