Katie Lee, Staff Writer

As you know, Heritage High School is filled with performers and people who are passionate about music. If you are one of these students, you should consider joining Glee Club. This is a brand new club that welcomes any and all students. The group meets on Mondays and Fridays and they are always accepting new members. During the meetings, the members sing and dance to popular modern music and songs from musicals. This group is completely student led. The president is Kyleah Parr, and she is the one whose idea it was to start the group. I asked Kyleah why she started the group, and she told me it was because she knows that a lot of kids at this school enjoy singing and dancing. Perhaps they didn’t make it into the musical or the dance team, they were just too shy to audition for either, or maybe they couldn’t fit chorus into their schedules. She hopes to have the group participate in the talent show next year to give everyone a chance to shine. The vice-president is Hailey Bilbra and the secretary has yet to be announced. Mrs.Hamilton, the chorus teacher here at Heritage, is the group’s sponsor, and the meetings are held in her room in the practice rooms during lunch. It does not matter if you have a voice like an angel or one like a dying cat; if you like to sing and have fun, this is the group that welcomes you. It is a judgment free group.