February 24, 2017
This week was national FFA Week, and Heritage celebrated it in a very creative way. Our Future Farmers of America came up with a different event for each day this week for students and teachers to participate in. Each day started off with FFA parodies to popular songs being played over the morning announcements, and that really got everyone in the farming spirit. Another every day event was the duck hunt, where the FFA members hid rubber ducks in various places around the school and gave clues to their whereabouts each morning on the announcements. All of the ducks were found and claimed for a prize. On Tuesday, during lunch, they held a milkshake mustache competition. Students were able to get a small milkshake, drink it, and then take a picture of their fabulous milky mustache and send it to Mrs. Shearer, so she could choose a winner. On Wednesday, the Catoosa County Animal Shelter was kind enough to bring in three dogs to help the FFA raise awareness of how important adopting a dog is. The students were told that if they couldn’t adopt one of the dogs that they could still help out by donating food bowls, collars, treats, blankets, and leashes. The agriculture olympics were held on Thursday on the band practice field during lunch. They had a potato peeling content, an egg toss, and a three legged race. I asked Breanna Taylor, FFA Vice President, about the event and she said, “It went great and next year we are hoping to make it an even bigger event.” Also on Thursday students were fortunate enough to receive kisses from farmers! No, not real kisses! Hershey kisses! FFA members walked around the school handing out kisses and agriculture facts. On Friday the Future Farmers of America came to school dressed in their formal wear. On Saturday they will hold a bake sale at Tractor Supply beginning at 9:30 and lasting until they are sold out. Half of the proceeds made from the bake sale with go to helping the animal shelter. I asked Breanna to tell me how she thought this week went and she said, “Overall this year’s FFA week has been amazing, It’s definitely our best yet! I’m so glad to the whole school getting involved in this year’s events.”