Katie Lee, Staff Writer

The Heritage High School Wind Ensemble was chosen to perform as a featured band at the 2017 Music for All festival in Indianapolis, Indiana, presented by Yamaha. Our generals departed on Wednesday March 8 and they returned on Sunday March 12. The wind ensemble was scheduled to perform Thursday at 6 p.m. at Clowes Memorial Hall and the concert was a smash. I talked to Katie Carter, a student who attended the trip, and she told me that it was such an amazing experience and she was very excited to be in Indianapolis and be able to witness all the other spectacular bands at the event. When the band first arrived at Indianapolis they got to do a little sightseeing and Katie had this to say, “This morning we got to walk around Indianapolis for a couple hours. We got to see very cool artwork and just look at all the sights of the city! This city is a gorgeous place and I’m very happy we have this opportunity!” The wind ensemble members were extremely thrilled and honored to attend this event and it seems as though they all had a lot of fun. Katie told me,”The experiences in itself are what will make us better. Being able to go to the “Music for All National Festival” and play in front people without the pressures of being judged, but still getting feedback is what will make the band better.” The teachers who attended this event enjoyed themselves as well, Mrs. Hamilton, the choir teacher here at HHS, also attended this event and she said that she got the opportunity to work with other music professionals at the festival and she said it was just a magnificent experience.