Katie Lee, Staff Writer

On Friday, April 14, Heritage’s Future Farmers of America will be hosting their annual spring plant sale. This year is said to be bigger and better than last year because the FFA members have been working really hard on it. The students have taken care of most of these plants since the plants were just little seeds. These students have put so much effort into this event that it would just be rude not to attend, honestly. The event will be here at Heritage in the greenhouse, from nine in the morning until one in the afternoon. They will be selling flowers, vegetables, hanging baskets and porch shades, and aloe vera and citronella. The prices are as follows: six packs of Vegetables or Flowers: $3.00, Flat of six packs (36 plants): $16.00, Flowering single packs: $3.00 or two for $5.00, Flowering flats of 18: $36.00, Geraniums four inch pot: $3.00 or two for $5.00, Giant Coleus: $8.00, Citronella large pot: $6.00, Citronella Small pot: $3.00, Aloe large pot: $6.00, Aloe small pot: $3.00, Tomato six packs: $3.00, Vegetable Single Packs: $1.50, Flat of 36 tomatoes: $16.00, Flat of 18 vegetables: $18.00, All hanging baskets are $12.50 for single baskets OR buy two or more for $10.00 each. Porch Shade pots with mixed foliage or large coleus are $10.00 each. If you are out and about on Friday, which you probably will be since we are out of school, then swing by the greenhouse and get some plants. All proceeds will go towards state convention costs, qualifying state team trips, and the end of the year FFA chapter banquet.