Sydney Shaver, Staff Writer

You might have seen the band show this year, but what you probably didn’t know was that I was in the color guard. Color guard is the section of the band that spins flags and weapons and brings most of the colors to the shows. It was the first year that I performed as well, and I absolutely loved it. I remember working so hard over the summer to learn and understand the routine. I thought that I was never going to get it, and I should just quit while I was ahead. I just kept pushing myself further than I ever thought was possible. I would leave practice with aching muscles and a smile on my face because I knew that I was coming back the next day to work even harder. The work I put in was worth it when we performed for the first time underneath the lights on the football field. Even though I messed up a lot that night, I knew I had done my best, and my hard work was finally paying off. I felt as if they were cheering on the work that I had put into the show. I just kept going and, in the end, I was ready to set everything back up and try again. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins during each show. Throughout the season we kept getting better and better. At the Stone Rivers Competition, we even won the best color guard. I felt as if I had contributed to something bigger than I ever could be. I found something that I was a part of and loved it. I was someone that I could be proud of.  I was doing something more. I was a new person after working so hard and being able to have this opportunity.