
H. Poe

H. Poe

Hayden Poe, Sports Writer

Everyone has had their fair share of grapes in their lives, but have you ever had a cotton candy grape? Doesn’t sound real, does it? But I assure you, it is, and they are delicious! Grape companies are trying to add a variety of flavors to match the assortment of flavors that apples have. They cost about six dollars a pound, and they are worth every penny of it. They are made by breeding several grapes species together to make them super sweet and a little tart. The tricky part is breeding the grapes. This part is hard because the grapes are seedless, and seedless grades cannot reproduce on their own so the breeders have to fertilize the grapes themselves. It is hard to find the grapes at stores because they sell so fast. So if you see them, why not give them a try? You definitely will not regret it. Your taste buds may be a little shocked at first, but they will definitely thank you later. I recently went to Walmart to see if they had any in stock or out on display, but I was out of luck. They said they sold out of them right after their truck left and they got them on the shelves. I tried other Walmarts in the area, and I got the same result. You have to act fast—very, very fast—to be able to get your hands on these prized grapes, and if you’ve ever had them, you definitely know why.