I. Shank
October 4, 2017
If you are debating over what movie you should go see in the theatre, you should definitely consider going to see “Flatliners.” “Flatliners” is one of the greatest movies that I have ever witnessed. In my opinion, it is not only scary, but it is a movie that is interesting to watch as well. The movie starts with five medical students who discover a dangerous experiment to gain insight on what happens after death. It begins when they trigger near-death experiences by stopping their hearts for short periods of time. The first person to flatline was Courtney; she experienced crazy good things during her short two minutes of flatlining. After she flatlined, she started experiencing paranormal activities, such as things being in her house and seeing her little sister, whom she had previously killed in a car wreck. She also started gaining a ludicrous amount of knowledge, which made her other four friends very jealous and anxious to flatline themselves, hoping that they would gain knowledge as well. Soon after, they all ended up flatlining with the exception of Ray. I am going to end the summary there, just because my goal is not to tell about the movie but simply to give you my experience.
When I started seeing commercials on this movie, I knew I had to go see it, which I did, and it definitely exceeded my expectations. Going into the movie, I had an idea of what it would be like, however, I never watched the full trailer, so I wasn’t one hundred percent sure. Now after seeing the movie, without any hesitation, it was one of the scariest movies I have ever watched. “Flatliners” is definitely higher up on the scale than “It” in my opinion. With all that being said, I would highly recommend going to see “Flatliners.”