November 1, 2017
The internet is an amazing tool that allows you to do things we wouldn’t dream of doing 25 years ago. Researching has never been easier and faster than it is today. I could Google anything I wanted to know and get results in a matter of seconds. Want to see some pictures? Google it, and boom: you have it. Wanna watch a movie for free? There are so many websites for that, some legal and a lot more illegal. Since so many people use the internet, there have to be regulations and rules so people won’t abuse this amazing power. The FBI is constantly searching for illegal websites that could be selling illegal substances and making sure you can’t access terrorist websites. You would think with the FBI watching over it; it would be a lot safer, and you could browse freely without worrying about anything. Sadly, the internet can be a very scary place and very dangerous, and there are areas where very, very bad things can happen. One such place is called the Dark Web, and you don’t wanna go here. The only good thing about it is you cannot access the dark web from a regular internet browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. In order to access it, you have to download a “Tor” browser, which is easily accessible, but the catch is you can’t search like you can on Chrome. There is no “Google.” You have to have a URL to go from website to website. THese URLs can be distributed or found on a dark wiki. If someone ever brings up going on the dark web, you should strongly convince them to not and to stay away, as it’s a very bad place.