L. Gruenberg

L. Gruenberg

L. Gruenberg

Lauren Gruenberg, Entertainment Writer

I truly believe that boiled shrimp is the absolute worst way to cook shrimp. Once shrimp is boiled, it becomes runny and has that slimy, yuck texture that might possibly make some people (and definitely myself) want to gag. When I wish to eat shrimp alfredo pasta, I do not want my shrimp to be slimy: I wish for it to be well cooked, to have great texture, and to taste amazing! The preferred way that I like my shrimped to be cooked on the grill with seasoned salt and pepper, with no pink, and with some lemon juice from an actual lemon squeezed onto it. I don’t necessarily care what size the shrimp are when served with my Alfredo pasta, but I want it well-cooked and seasoned.  Eating alfredo pasta is already (in some cases) slimy—well, not necessarily slimy, but it has a texture where someone can slurp a noodle into their mouth. BUT I do not wish to eat Alfredo pasta with slimy shrimp, because it makes the shrimp taste weird and ruins the flavor of the pasta for me! I want grilled seasoned shrimp with my alfredo pasta—nothing more, nothing less. I do not want it any other way. To me, boiled shrimp is the worst possible way to cook shrimp: it should either be grilled, roasted, or even prepared on a pan on any stove. Of course, good seasoning should be added too, like a cajun flavor, sweet flavor, or any other kind. This does NOT apply to boiled shrimp because there is no way to revive the flavor or possibly make it taste good! My advice? DO NOT BOIL SHRIMP.