A. Craig
January 26, 2018
Starting next week at Heritage, parking will start to be checked again by the third level Public Safety class. Ran by Officer Crane, students will be braving the cold in the morning to enforce the parking laws here at the school. That means if you’ve been parking in reserved spots, parking without a pass, or parking where you’re not supposed to be, you will be given a ticket. Tickets can be paid at the main office in the front. If you have any unpaid parking tickets at the end of the year, your diploma will be withheld until you pay your dues. While this applies mostly to the graduating class, it’s recommended that no one let the expenses pile up. No one wants to be held back from graduation because of a few unpaid fees. There may be a chance that you will receive (or even received in the past) a ticket by mistake. If that’s the case, there is an appeal process. Perhaps one of the students messed up, or maybe you had just forgotten your parking pass for the day. It’s understandable. Simply go see Officer Smith or Officer Crane in room 2226 for an appeal form. If you don’t have a parking pass, fear not: the main office will still be selling them. The rate is even reduced, meaning now’s the best time to buy. Also, keep in mind that the funds from these passes go toward maintaining the condition of the parking lot, so it’s not like you’re paying for nothing. Be responsible. Remember that parking checks start next week.