S. Shaver
January 30, 2018
It is finally here! Winter guard season is FINALLY upon us, and we have our first competition on Saturday, January 27, and I thought that I would take the opportunity to talk about my love of performing. After spending hours working on our fall show, I was sad to see it end, but I was so happy that I decided to do winter guard this season. I absolutely love performing for an audience and love to hear people applauding something that I spent hours working on. Of course, this year’s winterguard show still has a long way to go, but I am excited to work even harder to make the show the best it can possibly be. This year, the Varsity Winterguard team will be performing their show, “Waving Through A Window,” using the song from the musical “Dear Evan Hansen,” and the J.V. team will be performing “On My Way Home,” using the song from Pentatonix.
Another big reason I love to perform is because I can see all the hard work I’ve put into a show be recognized by other people. I don’t like coming off the floor or off the field without putting my best foot forward. I feel like I have to prove to others that I belong on that field or floor. I don’t like making mistakes and always try to take criticism in a positive manner, that way I can learn how to properly do the best show I can. I feel like I fail every time I make a mistake while performing, but I know that I can make it better for the next show. I enjoy working with a team of people to put together something fantastic. I am so excited for people to see our new show this year.