S. Shaver
February 12, 2018
Everyone already knows about the dress code changes for this year, like you can wear shorts that are fingertip length rather than to your knees, and you can now have whatever hair color that you want. Dress code for prom has been changed since last year too, and I think that the changes are completely brilliant. Changes like: you can wear converse to prom and you can now have a dress that has the back going down to your navel. There are a lot of people, including myself, who can’t wear heels and ended up not even wearing shoes during prom. This at least insures less injuries due to thorns getting stuck into feet, which happened to me last year.
They also put in a rule that states that “Shirts are to be worn at all times,” which if you have been to prom before, you know is a problem. A lot of guys will take off the button up shirts and just wear a vest during the entirety of prom, complaining that it was hot in the convention center, and it makes some people uncomfortable. I understand getting hot, but you should leave your shirt on rather than just a vest. You can take your jacket and your vest off, but not your shirt. You also aren’t allowed to wear to a baseball hat to prom. I don’t fully understand why a person would want to wear a cap to prom. I could understand if it was a dress hat or something of that nature. I am just really happy with all the changes that they made to the prom dress code. It’s just going to make an amazing night just that much better for everyone else.