C. Ogle

C. Ogle

Cade Ogle, Sports Writer

Love is in the air as the world gets ready for the day that many confess/show their love to their significant other. I’m talking about Valentine’s Day of course. This holiday, which was originally a Roman festival where boys would draw girls names from a box and then date them, has been a well known and celebrated holiday for many. In today’s society, people typically show their affection by giving cards, chocolates, and flowers to someone that they care deeply for. It is also a time for people who do not have anyone special in their life to come out and express their love in hopes of starting a relationship with the one that they love. Some people however, take this holiday in the wrong way and think of it as an insult to them because they have no one in their life. If you are one of those people that feel this way, then you should not hate the holiday and think of it as an insult. You should use it as a opportunity to try and find someone out there that is single just like you because everyone in the world has a soulmate. They just need to put in the effort to find them and make them happy. Personally, while Halloween is my favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day is one of my favorites because just seeing everyone find someone special and showing their love for them makes me happy and puts a smile on my face. I know I will be out getting something special for someone and everyone else should too.