R. Blaylock
March 21, 2018
Why do we love dogs? Well, there are many, many reasons. They are like a best friend you can’t stay mad at or a friend you can’t start drama with. You look at them, and you can’t help but smile at the fact they are absolutely adorable. Whenever you are sad, you can always count on your dog to cuddle with or to run up and lick your face. There is true meaning behind, “Man’s best friend.” They help save lives, they help blind people move around, and they help us in keeping life exciting. There are many different types of dogs. I don’t mean breeds; I mean personalities. There are the ones who when you open the door, you almost get tackled because they are more than excited to see their owner come home. There is also the dog that when you’re laying down, it snuggles up next you and will lay there all day. Dogs have their own type of companionship. The best part is you can alway count on them to ruin the one thing you wished they wouldn’t, like a bed or carpet. Alright, they get annoying sometimes, but it is still so hard not to just look at them and think how lucky you are to have that one specific dog. It is a bond that is so strong, stronger than most people have ever experienced because they have never had a dog from birth to death. There are so many memories that can be made that it is unreal.