R. Blaylock
March 21, 2018
We move more than we realize, whether it is traveling on a vacation or going to school and back home. We as humans constantly move; there isn’t really any way to live without moving. Going to eat, seeing family, hanging out with friends, and going to work to make money – everything involves moving. If you were to see a gps tracking all of your movement, you wouldn’t even be able to see the map around school, work, or your home. It is interesting how we repeat the same repeated cycles over time. We don’t just move from place to place. We move while writing, sleeping, playing on our phones, and while talking to friend. We move constantly and we don’t even think about how much we move until we get hurt or just start thinking about it. Some people have to move so much at one time they either shake their leg or tap their foot. It is just human nature. We move towards things that excite us or make us happy (food). We can’t live without moving. You would go crazy seeing other people move around while you have the ability to move but can’t use it. Movement is a great source of exercise. It helps us more than anything to get that perfect body we imagine in our minds. If we didn’t move, we would just gain weight and be lazy. We would all be about twice the size we are without moving around and doing the simplest things every single day.