R. Blaylock
March 26, 2018
Every morning, we have what is called “The Shoutout.” Students send in a message that thanks or appreciates another student or a teacher. This is really great because it helps to lift people up and to either bring two people closer or to make someone who has felt down lately feel happy or noticed. Shoutout to Raleigh who reads these out every morning to the entire school. Thank you for helping students and teachers connect better and helping others feel more appreciated. Hopefully this stays as a tradition. Next year, I hope it grows to maybe a list of shoutouts in the morning. It sure puts smiles on peoples faces, so why stop it, ever? It is very clever and simple for all that it does. It helps other students learn about other students or teachers they don’t know yet. If you hear a teacher’s name being thanked or talked about, then you can listen and already know something about that person before you even meet them. The concept itself is clever. People can say who they are when they send out a shoutout or they can leave it anonymous in case they don’t want that person to know it was them that said it. This is the first year they have done this, and since many people have wished there to be a way to say things to people as a surprise, this is finally the answer. Thanks to the school staff and students who has made it possible for others to appreciate each other.