A. Craig
May 23, 2018
Three Heritage students were recently selected for the Governor’s Honors Program hosted at Berry College. Both junior Sarah LeVan and junior Taylor Dyer were selected for agriculture, and junior Christy Song was selected for music. Over the summer, they will be spending four weeks at Berry College where they will learn all about their respective subject. Congratulations to those three juniors! We wish them luck and hope they learn a lot at Berry.
It’s a great privilege to be selected for the Governor’s Honors Program. To even be considered, a student must first be a sophomore or junior. They must excel and show great interest in a specific area of study, whether that be English, math, or even art, and be recommended by a subject area instructor. Then, students are entered in a district level and are interviewed in general terms or specifically in their subject. If they do well enough there, they’re nominated for state, must filled out an application, write essays, and have to go through more formal, state level interviews. Those who impress at the state level move on as finalists and are allowed admission into the summer program. Students can only be selected for Governor’s Honors once, either as a sophomore or a junior.
Other than expanding knowledge on a certain subject of interest, Governor’s Honors also does a lot in prepping for higher education. Not only does it look really good on a high school transcript, but Governor’s Honors also offers grants and scholarships for college. Students don’t even have to be selected to apply for some grants. The community partnership grants Governor’s Honors promotes are available to all Georgia public school students.
If this sounds interesting, you’re a rising sophomore or junior, and have a subject in mind, talk to your teacher about being recommended. Governor’s Honors is a great program that has a lot of great opportunities attached.