H. Roberts
September 11, 2018
Per tradition, class rings were given out to all of the juniors that ordered them from Jostens on Tuesday, September 11. This small ceremony that was held at 8:30 in the cafeteria was open for teachers and parents alike. This event towards the beginning of the year marks over half of high school being completed for the juniors. For the current sophomores, the time to order their own class rings is quickly approaching as well, and just like the class currently above them, they will receive their rings in the months of August or September of next year, 2019, when they will finally be upperclassmen. Jostens representatives will be talking to the sophomores in the following months about this class jewelry, and they will explain the many options that are available as well as payment due dates. Aside from rings, there are other options, including necklaces and bracelets as well. Along with class rings, it is now time for the current seniors, myself included, to order caps and gowns. Even though they do class rings as well, Jostens also takes orders for graduation attire. Here at Heritage, our caps and gowns are alway a navy blue, and this tradition will be continued this year. Though graduation for the Class of 2019 may be months away, right now is the time to work out the details. For everyone who just received their class rings and for the sophomores who will soon order theirs, their time in high school is swiftly passing by.