P. Johnson
September 24, 2018
On Wednesday, September 12, the clubs such as FFA, FBLA, HOSA, and Skills USA got together after school and played a game of kickball on the practice field. The game started at 2:30 and gave club members a chance to bond and get to know each other better. I participated in this event and was able to meet more people that had the same interest as me. I already knew some of the people in HOSA, but it was good to get involved with different people.
The first teams to play were Skills USA and FFA. FFA took the win, and went on to play the winner of the second game, which was between HOSA and FBLA. The final score of HOSA and FBLA was tied, 6-6. Unfortunately, HOSA had broken rules and the referee gave the win to FBLA. In the next game, FFA competed against FBLA which ended with them both claiming the victory. Initially, FBLA had the win, but additional time was put on the clock last minute, and FFA ended up getting one runner home, which tied up the game. During the second game between HOSA and FBLA, HOSA didn’t let all of their players kick, which allowed FBLA to win on a technicality. Coach Craft says, “All of the other teams were competitive, and there is a good likelihood we will host another tournament once it becomes cooler.” This was the first time they had hosted a tournament between the clubs. I enjoyed participating in this event, and am looking forward to more tournaments/club activities.