C. Case
November 6, 2018
As a senior band member here at Heritage, I got the pleasure of performing every home game with many other students on our field, like on this past Friday, November 2. For the the past five years, I’ve gotten to do twenty five shows on it. Starting with “New World” my eighth grade year, to “Spartacus,” to “The Greatest of These,” to “Chicago,” to “The Phantom of the Opera” my senior year. I’m very proud to have been apart of all of these shows, and I’m even more proud that I was chosen by my band director to be apart of the leadership team for the last two.
The band seniors decided to do our Halloween game on senior night. We had an off week the previous Friday, so the only game we could celebrate was on senior night. Most people love the Halloween game, so of course we decided to do it, along with a dance – “Footloose.” The last time we did a dance was my sophomore year when we did “High School Musical.” Personally, I enjoyed “Footloose” more because I could actually do it and it was just more fun to learn and do. After all of the seniors’ names were called, along with our parents and college plans to show us off, the band seniors all went to the art hallway for some cake and food. It was nice, but we had to be back to the game before second quarter, so we all rushed to get out of our uniforms and into our costumes. For me, I put on my old uniform. Overall, my senior night went perfectly, and I couldn’t have asked for a better five years.