R. Scott
December 3, 2018
Recently, I sat through a cheer competition which was hosted at Dalton. During middle school, I went to multiple cheer competitions. This was my first high school one though. As always, it was very entertaining. Not only did I enjoy watching Heritage perform, but there were other schools I enjoyed watching as well. Some of the notable schools were Pepperell and Dade County. The Heritage Generals placed first this weekend though! The girls work hard every week so that they can continue to bring home wins. Not only do they give it their all on the mat on competition day, but they do the same on practice days too.
When I asked how the team prepares for a competition, Kaitlyn Sullivan, who is a freshman, said, “At our practices, we yell for each other and just help each other and do what we have to do.” The next weekend, the team traveled to compete in Regions at Dawson County High School. When I asked Kaitlyn how she thought they will do before the event, she said, “I think we’ll do really good. We have been practicing really hard, and we are really excited, and we want to win state.” All of the girls hope to do good, and if they continue to work as hard as they have been, it is almost certain they will. Heritage has been known for winning regions in the past, and everyone would like to see them bring home another win.