My Journalism Experience

Rachael Jarman reflects on being in Journalism for the first time.

Rachael Jarman, Staff Writer

This year, I decided to join the Journalism class with Mr. Peace. I’m really glad that I did because it’s one of my favorite classes now! Journalism is a very laid-back and enjoyable class. Everyone in it enjoys it greatly and gets to write a lot of articles about the things they love. 

I have always loved to write, so this class was my chance to do a lot of that. I believe that writing is very therapeutic and venting. It gives you the chance to let things off of your chest that you’ve always wanted to. Not everyone enjoys writing, but I feel that if it was about something they chose and wanted to write about, they would feel a little differently about it. Writing is a huge passion of mine, especially when I get to write about what I want to.

In Journalism, Mr. Peace always plays music. He also gives us new food to try every now and then, and he’ll tweet out our reactions. I really like that he does these things because it helps make the class so chill. We have a lot of freedom, being allowed to walk where we need to go outside of class. Everyone in the class is really nice and conversational. People get their work done though, so that is nothing to worry about. I have made a lot of friends by being in Journalism. 

We write articles in this class, and we’re split across three departments: News, Entertainment, and Sports. We are also allowed to write editorials, which can be about almost anything we’d like to write about. I really like the choice we have in what we write about, because it can be about pretty much anything! I love everything we do in this class, and it has impacted me greatly. Mr. Peace does a great job at making us feel very comfortable in this class.

We also get to take pictures for our articles; we are allowed to walk around the school for this. I really appreciate this, because a lot of teachers can be too strict or too serious when it comes to rules, never trusting students. Mr. Peace is different, which is a very good thing in my opinion. He always checks up on us to make sure we are all doing okay, both mentally and educationally. I have much respect for him because of that. 

I am really enjoying my junior year so far, and I hope everyone enjoys Journalism as much as I do. I would definitely recommend that other students check out this class if they’re interested in writing, photography, graphic design, or just having fun while doing something meaningful. I am definitely going to continue to be in this class next year. Thanks go to Mr. Peace and all of the students in the class for always making it much fun.