Mama Mia, Here We Go Again

On October 31, 2019, “Luigi’s Mansion 3” released with flying colors. Many players young and old have claimed that this game is a “perfectly silly slapback comedy.” Many reviewers, like Sam Machkovech from ARS Technica, have said that this game is solid. It critiques the way the Mario Bros. act and how Luigi acts as a totally separate character. While Mario is the courageous and famed brother, Luigi is the opposite. It’s stated in “Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon” that Luigi’s always been in Mario’s shadow. This game, though not based in a mansion and instead a hotel, still captures the old feeling of the first game. The reviews have shown the difference between the two.

Machkovech really cracked down on this game. Since the game is on the Nintendo Switch, the graphics have a huge update. Saying that, this game is the most graphically stunning and real time lighting that the first part of the game shows is outstanding. “‘Luigi’s Mansion 3’ is the sheer Switch hardware showcase that we’ve been waiting for from Nintendo. Last month’s ‘Link’s Awakening’ got close to this mark in terms of making its shiny-toy universe feel alive, but LM3 is on an entirely different level of 3D rendering. It’s the prettiest Switch game yet,” Machkovech stated.

With every game that gets released there are many aspects, like the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some good aspects of “Luigi’s Mansion 3” are the addition of Gooigi, a new loveable character made out of ectoplasm to help Luigi on his adventure or play in Co-Op mode. The creators of the game “Next Level Games” has outdone themselves for this game. The graphics are smooth, the animations are smooth, the lighting feels real. Every good has its bad or worse side. Some bad aspects of the game are collecting money, which was a staple in the first two games, now is almost completely useless, and if players have a family member or friend who wants to join they’re thrown into the game with no clue on what to do. Even the bad has its worse versions. The ugly aspects are that the game has no remappable controls. That’s it really, only one ugly aspect of the game and only two bad aspects. The good outweighs the bad and ugly by a long shot. This game really lives up to the now trilogy series. ARS Technica stated it was a must buy for the Nintendo Switch, and it really shows.