Time is Definitely Not Flying

Maggie Hurst, Staff Writer

They say that “time flies when you’re having fun.” I can assure you this week is not going by quickly. All students agree that time is actually moving slower than molasses. We are all anticipating next week, the long-awaited Thanksgiving break. We are all waiting on the ability to sleep in and eat an abundance of food. Myself especially. I am going to a concert on Saturday, and I am leaving to go to the beach on Sunday. Therefore, I am greatly anticipating this weekend. 

It seems, however, like the universe has temporarily made me its target. My classes are all slowing to a violent halt, and my grades seem to be taking the hit. Senioritis is a real thing—a dangerous thing. I really just want to sleep for forty-eight hours straight; however, that seems unachievable right now. Between club volleyball, work, and school, and my lack of time management, stress is at an all time high. This week, I close at work every night that I don’t have volleyball, therefore I am more sleep deprived than ever before. I won’t lie to you: my chances of dropping out are at an all time high. (I’m entirely joking, but, like I said, senioritis is a real thing.)

At the beginning of senior year, we were all possessing a sense of profound nostalgia. However, the sense of nostalgia has faded for the time being, and I am ready for a well-deserved Thanksgiving break. “You’re wishing your life away.” Yes, so I have heard. However, I am really not wishing away time, rather wishing to use it differently. I make the decisions to spend my time the way I spend it, and this temporary turmoil is entirely caused by me. One class, in particular, was a profound mistake. I had all of my social studies credits after last year, however, I felt like it would look good for colleges, therefore I took an AP social studies class, specifically Microeconomics, and it is willing me closer to my breaking point.

That may be an exaggeration, but I can continue to complain all the same.