The True Story of Gavin Anchondo
September 23, 2020
Is part of being a good person family? Friends? Or is it helping others? For Gavin Anchondo, all these traits come into play. “Brothers together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends.” I think this rhyme fits Gavin the most; as he and his brother are very close. Asked if he had any siblings, he said, “I have a younger brother. His name is Nicholas.” Nicholas is starting 6th grade at the middle school, and he is like Gavin’s best friend. Born and raised in Georgia, Gavin is a Senior at HHS this year.

Gavin is part of the Legion of Generals marching band and concert, Drum Major, and conductor in marching and playing the euphonium in concert band. He enjoys Journalism and “wishes he started when he was a freshman.” Since he is busy with band and school, he recently gave his two-week notice to his full-time job at the Battlefield Golf Course, but they said he was more than welcome to come back in the fall.

Gavin likes to spend his summers in Nicaragua with Impact2One. “I like spending time with the people there and getting to know them,” he said. He also enjoys watching sports and hanging out with his friends. When the subject of friends came up, he said, “My best friend and I used to have the same classes together every year, but this year is different.” He told me that most of his friends in high school had graduated, and I could tell he misses them.
Gavin wants to go to UGA but is debating whether he wants to go to an expensive college or an affordable one. “I don’t know if I want to be paying off school for the rest of my life.” Even though he’s not quite sure what he wants to do after high school, I’m sure he’ll do great things.