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The General Journal

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The General Journal

The General Journal


Jossalyn McAlister, Staff Writer

Jossalyn McAlister is a 14-year-old freshman at Heritage High School. Jossalyn is excited to be a part of Journalism. In her free time she loves to spend time with her close friends and her family. Jossalyn loves to meet new people and make new friends. When she’s not hanging out with friends she’s listening to her favorite music or watching any new movies with her family. When she’s older she wants to be a marine biologist or go to school to be an esthetician. She has not thought about the college she wants to go to, but she wants to go somewhere out of state. She enjoys going on beach trips with her family or going to dinner with her friends. She lives with her parents and two younger sisters, and she loves to go on road trips with them. She joined Journalism to become more social and have more opportunities to get involved with the school. Jossalyn has three cats and two dogs, but adores her oldest cat Piper over all of her other cats. She’s thrilled to see the experiences this class brings her.

All content by Jossalyn McAlister
AP Art Is Back at Heritage

AP Art Is Back at Heritage

Jossalyn McAlister, Staff Writer
February 28, 2025
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