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The General Journal

The student news site of Heritage High School

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The General Journal

The General Journal

Maddie Caryle

Maddie Caryle, Staff Writer

Maddie Caryle is a 16-year-old junior at Heritage High school. This is her first year in Journalism, and she is excited to be involved in the making of “The Legacy.” When she is not occupied with school she enjoys hanging out with friends, going shopping, capturing moments on social media, and listening to music. She spends time at the College and Career Academy taking the Education as a Profession class. She hopes to one day become a teacher that can have a positive light on a child’s education. Maddie seeks out trying new restaurants and loves a fun drink; some of her favorites places are Swig and Bluegrass Grill. To do the things she enjoys she needs herself a fat paycheck! She works two jobs, Michaels Arts and Crafts and Bailey’s BBQ. She loves summer and going to the beach, and she can’t wait for the fun months of June through July. Maddie is ready to finish the year off strong.


All content by Maddie Caryle
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