Preston Torbett, Staff Writer
Preston Torbett is 17 years old and a Junior in Heritage High School. He has had Mr. Peace’s Dramatic Writing class in the past, so he decided to try out Journalism. He is a wrestler at Heritage. He has been wrestling for two years. Preston has some hobbies including video games, working, and playing guitar. Preston is extremely musically inclined, and enjoys all types of music. His favorite band currently is Wilco, but it changes every month. He currently works at Choo Choo BBQ in Chickamauga, and he has been working there since March 2024. His favorite aspect of work are his coworkers. College is his ultimate goal for the future. He would like to attend Georgia Southern because that’s where his sister went. Preston enjoys movies and shows. One of his favorite movies is “Star Wars III,” and his favorite show is “SpongeBob Square Pants.” Preston is optimistic about his future in Mr. Peace’s Journalism class, and he is excited to see what it’s all about!