Student Art 5/2 – 5/6: Peters

Natalie Ferry, Staff Writer

A note from Ms. Peters:

This week’s student art includes
  • Self-Portraits, White colored pencil on black paper.  The students worked from a photo of themselves that they took, and drew a realistic self portrait, with a white colored pencil on black paper. This is tricky, as you must draw the lighter areas, and let the paper be the darker shadows, which is opposite from how we usually draw.
  • Interior Spaces, charcoal. Students found an interesting composition in a space around the school, and drew these in a reductive method, focusing on lights, shadows, textures, and composition.
  •  One or two reinterpretation paintings. Students reinterpreted “Christina’s World.” They kept some elements of the painting the same, while changing others, making the story more personally relevant to themselves. (reference: