Gifting You a Fantastic Book Review
December 1, 2022
In the From Here to Career class with Mr. Carter, students read “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews. Seven of these students shared their passionate thoughts on the book. The book in question provides seven decisions you can make in order to succeed in all that you do. “The Traveler’s Gift’s” main character, David Ponder, travels through time to meet a variety of different historical figures and receives wisdom from each figure to apply to his life. Below you will find seven reviews on this book compiled for your reading pleasure.

Rex Carpenter (☆☆☆☆☆):
I truly enjoyed reading this book, and I would 100% recommend and reread it. I liked it because I just felt the book flowed very well; the transitions were very nice for each chapter. I also liked the choice of who would represent each decision for success. I think that they all were very accurate choices. The only bad thing about the book is I felt like it was a bit fast. There weren’t very many filler chapters. It was just one chapter right after another. David didn’t spend much time with each character, and the meetings only lasted a chapter. I’m not sure exactly what could be done to fix that, but I wish Ponder had gotten more time after each meeting to take in what he had learned and to just accept that this was happening. I absolutely love how it was based on a personal experience. I think that it’s so interesting and inspiring what the author went through before he wrote the book. I also love how he made the seven decisions applicable to everyone’s life. He didn’t make them solely for troubled adults, and instead made them vague—not the word I’m looking for, but whatever—enough to be sure anyone could use them. I also admire the realness he put into the characters, especially David Ponder. In the times I have tried to write anything that isn’t poetry, it turns out flat and unrealistic, so I think it’s very cool how the author was able to capture that realism. This book taught me that I can choose to be happy. Overall, it was an amazing read.
Cooper Bell (☆☆☆☆):
I have to say, I’m glad that I read “The Traveler’s Gift.” I really liked the way that it provided people with the mindset to be successful. It provides you with a good outlook on life, ways to succeed, and the steps you need to take to do so. I believe that the book is very helpful and that it gives you a good way to look at life. It explains how to be successful, even when things are hard. I think the book was great overall, but I really wish it would have shown the reader how he used the steps that he was given in his life, and how it could make you successful.
Cooper Lockwitz (☆☆☆☆):
Overall, the book was pretty good. It’d be nice to read it again. I think that “The Traveler’s Gift” had some major points that could be applied to the real world, and some advice that could possibly turn someone on the right track. Another thing is that it was really attention grabbing. I never felt bored during the book. I enjoyed the use of historical figures to make points throughout the book. But, I think that the use of “the future” really breaks down the reality of the book. The future is unknown, and I believe the author could have portrayed it better. When I read this book, I learned that time is a valuable thing that shouldn’t be taken for granted.
Riley Greven (☆☆☆):
I liked reading the book, but I’m not sure if I would read it again. I liked it because some of the chapters gave us inspirational things to think about while still being eventful. Other chapters, though, were confusing and boring. I’ve never read a book like this before, and it piqued my interest. Most of the chapters were exciting and captivating. The chapter that focused on your ability to choose to be happy really gave me a different perspective about being grateful for things because she had nothing and was still able to be happy in the awful situation she was in. “The Traveler’s Gift,” was an interesting read, and I think that they should make a movie on it.
Ava Gomez (☆☆☆):
While I did enjoy reading “The Traveler’s Gift” in some measures, it’s just something I personally wouldn’t read. It was a one-time book for me. It’s not in the genres I typically read, such as thriller and romance books. “The Traveler’s Gift” is more of an adventure type book, which is unfamiliar to me, and, therefore uninteresting. I liked how they are taught throughout the book. The one that stuck with me the most was to never give up when bad things happen in my life. My favorite part of the book is that it gives valuable life lessons to people, and everyone could take something away from reading it. “The Traveler’s Gift” went through a process of people who had positive and determined mindsets that truly impacted me. At times, the storyline got a little boring, but other times it had me thinking about how I could use all the advice in my own life.
Jasmine Manis (☆☆):
I don’t think that I would pick up the book again with the intent to re-read it. It’s not the type of book that I enjoy reading, so I wasn’t interested in it. I couldn’t keep up with the fast pace most of the time, so it got confusing. Something that I enjoyed from “The Traveler’s Gift” is when the main character, David Ponder, met with Anne Frank. I’ve always been intrigued by her, so it caught my interest. It was exciting to read Ponder meeting Anne and Abraham Lincoln. These characters in “The Traveler’s Gift” embedded the idea that I shouldn’t take for granted the “little” things that I expect in everyday life.
Cain Crandall (☆):
This book—in my opinion—wasn’t good. The book had some good messages, but it was extremely boring and made me fall asleep. I truly cannot remember anything else good about “The Traveler’s Gift.” I might have been more interested in reading this book if it was more exciting. “The Traveler’s Gift,” could not grab my attention long enough for me to understand what was happening. While not being enjoyable for me, this book taught me to be determined with my actions and not give up.