The infamous Mulch Pile in the parking lot has been a school-wide conspiracy ever since it showed up in April. Since then, pinwheels and trucks have been appearing in the pile with no explanation. No one knows how that giant mulch pile showed up or why it’s there. There have been some theories as to why it suddenly appeared. Some think that controversial rapper, Drake, is buried under the mulch, while others believe it’s an alien offering to establish peace with Journalism teacher, Mr. Peace. However, the most outlandish theory I’ve heard (some would even call it plain prosperous) is that the pile is just to mulch the bushes. To figure out this mystery, we went directly to Heritage’s principal.
“It’s an enigma. It keeps growing and we can’t seem to get to the bottom of it,” Mr. Bradford explained. “First it was the pinwheels and the trucks, but I don’t know what could happen next. I would like to dispel the rumors that someone is buried in the Mulch Pile, but we can’t disprove anything yet.”

Since Bradford was obviously no help to our investigation, we went to conspiracy theorist and Journalism student Spencer Cordle.
“It’s obvious [that] Drake is in there. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that the Mulch Pile appears right before Kendrick Lamar’s diss to Drake, and VERY LARGE one at that? I’m not buying that. It’s very obvious to anyone with a brain that Aubrey Drake Graham is hiding and cowering in the shadows from Mr. Lamar and that this hideout has been placed on a high school campus to discreetly escape the allegations against him.”
Many questions still remain; why is the Mulch Pile there? Why does it keep growing? How will we ever get to the bottom of this enormous mound of mulch? We may never know for sure, but something strange is definitely going on. Pinwheels and trucks continue to appear and there isn’t an end to this preposterous pile in sight.
(Editor’s Note: No modifications were done to any of the interviews used. Sadly, the Mulch Pile was removed on May 16th, 2024, due to alleged landscaping purposes by the Agricultural students. Still, some of the trucks and pinwheels still remain scattered on campus for unknown purposes.)