S. Morehead
October 3, 2017
Just like most movie series, “Terminator” has lost most of its appeal to the general audience. Nonetheless, a sixth movie has been announced. “T2: Judgement Day” wasn’t that bad of a movie, but everything after it did worse at the box office. None of the previous attempts to bring back the series have worked. Not the regular sequel (“Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines”), not the one that got rid of Arnold Schwarzenegger to focus on John Connor (“Terminator: Salvation”), and especially not “Terminator: Genisys.” They’ve made less and less amounts of money, but the creator of the series James Cameron hopes to reverse that trend and make at least one more good Terminator movie. The “third” installment will just completely ignore all movies after “T2: Judgement Day,” and it will take place right after the second one. Cameron wants people to think of the other movies as a bad dream or as an alternate timeline. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton will return and pass the torch to a new lead. The main purpose is to turn “Terminator” over to a generation of younger characters, much like “Star Wars: Force Awakens.” James Cameron said, “We’re starting a search for an 18-something young woman to essentially be the new centerpiece of these stories. And then a number of other characters around her and characters from the future. We still fold time in the story in intriguing ways. But we have Arnold’s character and Linda’s character to anchor it. Somewhere across there, and I won’t say where, the baton gets passed, so to speak.” The film will be released on July 26, 2019.