G. James
April 17, 2018
Theatre pretty much consumes my entire life, so I’m sure you know I love musicals. On my long list on beloved musical productions is “Heather’s: The Musical.” “Heathers” with Winona Ryder has always been my favorite movie, so when it came to the stage I was overly excited. Although I was a little skeptical about them turning a cult classic into a musical, I watched it on YouTube and I instantly began to sing along… and dance along. I am not ashamed to admit I know every word to every song the Heathers and Veronica sing in this wonderful production. If you’re not familiar with “Heathers”, it’s basically like “Mean Girls”, but better! “Heathers” tell the story of a new girl named Veronica who becomes a member of the most popular clique in her school. Unlike Veronica, the other girls, known as the Heathers, are very cruel. Soon Veronica gets a new boyfriend named J.D. and they confront the clique leader, Heather Chandler, about her cruel intentions. Long story short, this confrontation leads to everyone saying bye bye, Heather Chandler. The ending is very dramatic and everyone is rooting for Veronica when she takes the iconic red scrunchie from Heather Duke and puts it in her hair. Of course the musical is a bit different from the movie with loads of songs such as “Candy Store” and “Dead Girl Walking,” and an amazing memorable entrance from the Heathers as the ensemble sings “Heather, Heather, and Heather” in harmony. Regardless of the musical movie, “Heathers” will always have a special place in my heart.