E. Smith
May 23, 2018
Road trips are probably the death of me. Sure it is fun to go out and see a new scenery and hang out with your family or friends, but sitting in a car for hours and hours is pretty boring. I also hate it when you know how long it will take to get to your destination without interruptions, but when you have children in the car, there are going to be disturbances, which is problematic. It is problematic because that mean you have to stop or you have to just push through it. Most likely, you are going to stop and then add more time to the original time. I also hate it when someone, whether it be your parents, your partner, or just a couple of friends do not tell you where you are going. It adds more to your curious and cautious side, plus, you do not know what to pack, which is even worse. You also do not know how much time you are going to spend in the car since it is a surprise. After ranting on about how much I do not like road trips, there are a lot of things that I enjoy about road trips like, for example, spending time with the people you love. During a road trip, you really have no excuse to not talk or hang out with that person. Plus, you get to find out more information on the person you thought you knew. Another thing would be music. Everyone loves music, and during a road trip you can just sing a random song that is on the radio or that you had in your head without worries because everyone in the car will not care how you act since (1) you are in a car and not really in public, and (2) they want to get to know you or they already know you, so it wouldn’t make a difference either way. So, there is my rant about road trips. My opinions should not affect you, and if you enjoy road trips, good for you. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, and do what you want to do.