E. Smith
January 22, 2019
On January 18, 2019, the boys at Heritage High School will be enjoying a friendly head to head game of volleyball in the “Snowman Slam” Volleyball Tournament against other class levels and possible their own class. This is Heritage’s first year of hosting a boys volleyball tournament. We’ve seen the girls come out on multiple wins but, can the boys hold up to the standard the girls do?
Those of us who are wanting to attend the tournament and support the Heritage boys the cost will be $3. Students will have a ticket given to them by their first block teacher on Friday morning. Those who choose not to join the breathing taking game of volleyball then students will gather in the cafeteria and separate into different study hall groups. Classes will be on a modified schedule similar to pep rally schedule: 1st block- 8:00 through 9:15, 2nd block- 9:20 through 10:35, 3rd block- 10:40 through 11:20, Lunch- 11:20 through 12:10, 3rd block- 12:10 through 12:50, 4th block- 12:55 through 2:10, and the Snowman Slam will begin in the gym at 2:10 through 3:25
Students going to the tournament will help support the Heritage High School Volleyball team, coached by Mrs. Cooper, in their purchase of a new net for upcoming seasons. Every student is encouraged to go and support the boys as they face off against one another in the first ever Snowman Slam. Hope to see you there!