G. James
April 15, 2019
Over spring break, I went to Chester Frost Park with my friends. My best friend’s dad had a camper up there, and she invited me to come along. Upon going, Hannah told me that we would be kayaking. Now keep in mind that I have never been kayaking in my entire life. I was a little nervous because I was afraid I would fall out of the kayak and drown. My other close friend, Cassie, was coming along too. She had been kayaking many times before and told me not to worry. Our other friend, Ryan, was planning on going too, but he couldn’t. I woke up at about 8 a.m., ready for the adventures that were in stored for the day. Our first stop was to Jack’s to get some breakfast, then we made our way to the park. Along the way, we jammed out to Ariana Grande’s new album and Billie Eilish. We finally arrived at the park around 10ish. The weather was nice, so we decided to suntan for a little bit. After doing so and getting hot, we decided to go kayaking. The water was so cold, and it didn’t help that the wind was blowing excessively. I remember the most difficult thing for me was getting stuck in the mud. If you have never been to Chester Frost Park, just be prepared to get some mud on your shoes. Also, wear shoes in the water, or you will get stuck. The mud made it hard to stand up and pull the kayak out of the shore and into deeper water. It took me a while to realize how to use the oars, but Cassie taught me. At first, I kept moving the oars backward, which turned the kayak the opposite direction I was intending to go. This mistake led me back to the muddy shoreline, where I was stuck for a while. I honestly thought about giving up. Finally (I don’t really know how), I figured out how to move the oars in the right direction. It was such a great sense of accomplishment when I figured it out. After that, I finally rowed pretty far out in the pristine waters. We all decided to turn back when the wind started picking up again, though. I was surprised that I really enjoyed kayaking. It was super fun once I realized how to use the oars, and I would definitely do it again.