Taylor Wade, Staff Writer
Taylor Wade is a senior at Heritage High School, and this is her first year in Journalism. When Taylor is not occupied with school, she enjoys spending time with her friends, reading, drawing, listening to music, and playing recreational soccer. When the rec league season is over, Taylor can’t wait for the Lady Generals soccer season to start back up. She has played the game since she was three years old, and still can’t do enough of it. Taylor is very involved in her art classes, which she takes at least once a year. She has always had a deep love for all kinds of art and creating new pieces. Taylor has kept a consistent streak with Ms. Peters classes, and hopes to continue it by taking one last class with her second semester. Taylor wants to spend her last year of high school doing the absolute most; she wants to have as much fun as possible. Her first three years of high school were spent hardly participating in anything, this year, that is going to change. She is going to make the most of everything the school year throws at her, and do her best to savor every moment of it.